Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I am really excited to see this new Toy Story Mania ride--both at Disney's California Adventure and at Disney's Hollywood Studios. But what is it about this image that creeps me out?

Artwork (c) Disney

I can't figure if it's the claustrophobic walls-are-closing-in setwork, or the giant Woody with evil doll eyes that appears to be popping out of nowhere. What other horrors lurk behind these walls?

And what's the deal...is Hamm riding in the car with these guests? Is he gonna bust them for stealing the 3D glasses from Muppetvision?

Here's a mystery to solve: How is it that Disney can create a great attraction and then allow their Marketing folks to fool around and make it look like a wet churro. This is bad.

Still--I'm excited about this ride!

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